

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

June 4, 2010

Fab 5 Friday

It seems like it's been a short week, but nonetheless a fabulous one!

1) Saturday we took the girls out for lunch at a restaurant downtown, billed to be the oldest standing brick structure in the city. They had their first cheeseburger (the real stuff…hand-made patty with cheddar cheese), and they loved it! We then took a walk around the Square, where there was an art show, and we ended our jaunt at the coffee house for some homemade ice cream. It’s just so cool to feel like a "real little family"! :)

2) We celebrated Memorial Day by taking the girls to the park, and we had the run of the place! The girls had a great time, and we couldn’t help but round out the afternoon with a little more ice cream.

3) The girls have finally decided they like ice cream! (I knew if I was diligent, they’d eventually come around…)

4) Daddy is officially home for the summer. The girls will certainly enjoy the extra daddy-daughter time, and having more man-to-man coverage will allow us to go and do a little more.

5) The girls like Mommy’s pot roast, and that makes Mommy happy.

I love summarizing my week with my Fab 5 list. It's a great reminder that, no matter how crazy things seem at times, there are always a few fabulous highlights.


Rebecca said...

It is fun to feel like a family...after you wade through the difficulties of the first year, things really start to balance out, right?

Can you share your recipe for pot roast...I kind of suck at that!

The Mommy said...

Woohoo @ the first real cheeseburger! Welcome to the real world girls:)
I love your idea of posting the week's highlights, how fun!

Christina said...

I need to start playing along, I love reading these! We just had ice cream last Saturday too, and they finally decided it was really, really good. ;)

Renae said...

My guys LOVE burgers! They devour them. It's always great to find a new food they love.

So great that your husband is now home for the summer. My husband still has two more weeks of teaching before he joins us for the summer. So nice for our kids to get that kind of time with their daddies!