Before the girls were born, I knew we would have our share of plastic toys, but I didn't realize how much plastic I would have to make room for in my kitchen!
The girls' cups and bowls and plates and forks and spoons now consume the bottom shelf of one large cabinet.
Move over, pretty coffee cups! Get outta the way, delicate serving platters! There are some new kids in town, and they like it rough and tumble, and the brighter the color, the better.
While the girls are usually pretty good about not throwing their plates and cups, I still don't think they're ready for actual glass or ceramic. And I expect the thought of pointy fork tines will probably scare me for a while.
No, I think plastic is the way to go for us right now.
I don't think the girls much care what color their cups and plates and bowls are, although it does serve as a great prompt for dinner conversation.
Kiddie plastic ware just seems to come in the most outrageous color combinations...and maybe that's part of what makes it seem so obnoxious to me.
...well, that, and the fact that it's taking over my cabinet and dishwasher rack at a time.
Crazy...I know! I thought I had lots of cabinet space until I had kids! :) I have to admit I clicked on the picture to enlarge it...I saw the picture in the background of you and your DH and I have to say our girls look so much like you!
We need to get together and make a line of fashionable kids dinnerware! I hate the bright color combinations and whatever it is it never seems to be able to stack!
I love the bright colors, but sometimes not the exact combinations...
There is one brand of snack cups we particularly like that have an orange and blue cup in every package. (Yes, I am a little neurotic and I hate putting 'Auburn colors' together!) We used to have four of these sets, so that at least one child did not have to use the orange and blue one, but guess what? The other colors have mysteriously disapppeared and we are left with two sets of Auburn-colored snack cups. I am thinking their daddy might have been responsible for that! : )
Ha! Funny!
One thing that is driving me crazy right now is that my plastic ware seems to be diapearing. I swear I used to have 20 bottle (and purchase more periodically) but I seem to be down to 8. How does this happen? Where do they go? And why, no matter how hard I try, can I never find a bottle cap? I hate leaving the house with exposed nipples, but I can never find those stupid caps!
Gah, I hate plastic.
We had the same problem! Then after a while I couldn't handle the thought of plastic. I also hate how plastic takes forever to dry no matter how long it sits out after being washed.
I did the next beest thing and placed an order at Crate and Barrel for their 95 cent juice glasses ( and some $3 plates ( I also grabbed some cute plates for a dollar at a thrift store. I don't mind if they break them since they were so cheap and they match our white dinnerware. I think they like the fact that they have grown up stuff too.
We did a little happy dance when we got rid of our sippy cups. Those things take up so much room. We have tableware from IKEA. It's really cute but for some reason they only want to use orange... and we only have two sets which means only two of anything orange.
I just had an aha. I should clear out a cupboard - at the moment all those sippy cups sit on my counter and taunt me.
I'll be doing that this weekend. Making a special place for ALL their plastic stuff. I haven't bought special plastic bowls for them - we just use the ones I used to use for fruit salad or chips in the pre-baby days.
P.S> Love the garden theme ;)
I have an entire cupboard dedicated to sippy cups and another one dedicated to little plates and bowls. And it seems like everytime we make a trip to Target I end up coming home with a bunch more.
I think maybe it's become an obsession...
Wow! I make them use the same sippy for milk all day long (obviously it goes in the fridge between meals) and the same one for water...that way, I only have to wash 4 at the end of the day. We use paper plates for breakfast too (quick and easy). I hate plastic and hate doing dishes, so I try to use as little as possible. Then I tell Husband it's because I'm "green," but I'm really just lazy.
Yes it is phenomenal how much plasticware finds its way into your kitchen huh? There has got to be another way... but at least it is not contributing to landfill as the non-reusable plastics/paper etc would? *sigh*
Oh boy! I feel like I have a ton of plastic toys & cups, I can't imagine doubling it for twins!
I think we've lost several glasses to Lboy "helping" us pick up. He will take a cup that I've left on the coffee table & he will take it to the kitchen and throw it over the baby gate. It's really cute that he's "helping" but it's a huge mess to clean up! I learned real fast to put all my cups up before I go to bed so they aren't left out when he gets up in the morning!
Yeah, the colors are pretty outrageous. And my guys do seem to care what color they get, so I try as best as I can to make sure that we have two plates or bowls the same color for each meal so I don't have to hear the whining about who got the orange one.
For a long time, I'd take their plasticware out with us when we went to restaurants, but not anymore. They're pretty good at eating of a restaurant bread plate, and we haven't broken one yet. I'd love to transition them at home soon, but I'm not sure they're fully ready yet. I'll have to look into what other options we might have. Maybe some of Chantal's suggestions would work for us too.
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