It’s summer. At our
house, among many other things, that means:
It’s hot.
Our eating is a little more fluid (particularly
as Hubby takes the girls out to lunch more often than he probably should!).
Bedtime is still a thing…but a 30-minute swing won’t
bother me.
On Friday morning, I offered that Hubby could take the girls
out for lunch and I’d make a light supper when I got home. Hubby was all about that, and I began to look
forward to some tuna salad for dinner.
Mid-afternoon it looked like I was going to get out of work
in a timely fashion, and I decided that I’d invite the girls to help me in the
kitchen. They were THRILLED with the
I told them they could help me make tuna salad, AND that we
could make a blueberry cobbler for dessert (having just picked our first batch
of fresh blueberries the night before!).
The girls’ eyes were wide with excitement, especially with blueberry
cobbler as their prize.
I didn’t quite intend for the girls’ work to be so
extensive, but they did such a great job, I kept finding more and more for them
to do!
For supper, they:
Peeled seven boiled eggs without ripping into
the white.
Cut the eggs into pieces (KNIFE PRACTICE!!!).
Raked their eggs into the mixing bowls – by that
time we’d decided to make tuna salad AND pea salad.
Got the tuna out of the pantry and tried to use
the can opener. (This didn’t go so
Got the peas out of the freezer, cut open the
bag, and put them in a bowl to cook in the microwave.
Got the pickle relish, mayo, and cheese (for the
pea salad) out of the refrigerator.
Scooped out pickle relish. (And then sampled the pickle relish.)
Mixed up the salads without squishing the eggs.
Tore Romaine lettuce (from our garden!!!) into
bite-size pieces.
Pulled the stems from the mushrooms.
Meticulously placed tomatoes and sliced
mushrooms on each salad.
For dessert they:
Cut the butter and put the pan in the over for
the butter to melt. (This was the first
time someone set a pan in the oven. It
made me nervous, but no arms were burned.)
Measured the sugar (measuring the flour is still
a mommy’s job at our house…don’t want it to be packed!).
Whisked the dry ingredients without losing any
to the counter.
Cheered for a sprinkle of cinnamon in the
Meticulously placed the blueberries on top of
the batter, being careful not to burn themselves on the hot pan.
Sure, making supper took a little longer with
all three of us than it would have taken me alone…but the girls did such a great
job!!! And they were so proud to enjoy
the fruits (and veggies) of their labors!!!
B, making peanut butter cookies with me last weekend. FUN!!! |