

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

January 10, 2015

Happy SIXTH Birthday to My [ALWAYS] Baby Girls!!!

Monday, my girls turned six years old.  SIX!!!

I’m coming to terms with them being BIG KIDS.  They…

·         Love to draw
·         Love to craft
·         Enjoy math challenges
·         Write the sweetest notes
·         Read pretty proficiently
·         Make their beds (sometimes)
·         Rinse their own hair in the shower (no easy task)
·         Eat (most of the time) without getting food on their clothes
·         Sit on their bottoms and are tall enough to reach the table
·         (Usually) like to help unload the dishwasher, and they know where almost everything goes
·         (Usually) like to help with laundry…they can set the washer and dryer themselves!
·         Buckle and unbuckle themselves in the car
·         Complete all zippers and buttons without help
·         Can tie a bow
·         Know the way to most places we go in town
·         Are excellent travelers
·         Can recite all our address and all our phone numbers, including the phone numbers of some family members
·         Can put their own hair in a ponytail (Baby B can, anyway)
·         Know far more about an iPad than I do
·         Ride bikes (with training wheels)
·         Hula-hoop
·         LOVE our kitties

I could go on and on.  They are smart, and sweet, and kind, and thoughtful.  As they are growing into such amazing young ladies, I am so thankful they still…

·         Love to snuggle with their Mommy and Daddy
·         Love to sit in my lap
·         Squeal with delight at tickles
·         Can’t resist a good strawberry kiss on their bellies
·         Love to be read to
·         Let me carry them to bed at night
·         Delight in talking to Mommy on the phone
·         Are so affectionate with their hugs and kisses
·         Talk about when they grow up, and their “house” plans always include each other and Mommy and Daddy
·         Play with their baby dolls
·         Create amazing pretend scenarios, often involving “vet” or “store” or “train”

They are the most precious BABY girls…always will be…at SIX or SIXTY.


Mrs FF said...

Happy 6th birthday precious girls. Wish you both happiness, good health and long life.

Marcia (123 blog) said...

BLESS!!!! My heart stands still - how time is flying.

Mandy, when you carry them to bed, I can only imagine those legs are well past your knees :)

Happy birthday, precious A and B.

Unknown said...

How are our babies 6 already!?!? Love your list of their interests and abilities! You're always so great at celebrating both the big and the little things!

Adam's pretty excited about turning 6 - he wants to sleep on the top bunk now!

Johanna at The Baker Twins said...

Hooray! I was hoping you'd post. Welcome to SIX, precious babies! We've LOVED this age so far!

Oh, how I wish we lived closer... I'm pretty sure we would all be best friends. ;)

Unknown said...

Hi! My name is Dorothy Edwards. I saw that you are the founder of the moms with multiples club? I'm a big sister of triplets and a senior photojournalism student WKU. I couldn't find an email to reach you, I figured this would work! I'd love to talk to you about possibly helping me with my senior capstone project about mothers with multiples. Feel free to email me: and I can tell you more about it! Thanks and hope to hear from you!