Things in our world are pretty busy. We are {FINALLY!} closing on our new house
this week, and getting ready for our big move.
I haven’t taken much time to sit down and write…but thankfully I have
taken the time to record some of the SUPER in our world.
My B was a little “froggy” for a few days, and I
was trying to encourage her to clear her throat. That’s one of those things we take for
granted, not realizing it’s a learned skill.
She was too funny making this little humming noise, trying to imitate
me! She never did get it!
I thought the girls got this from school, but
when I asked them, they said they made it up.
They’ve been running around the den, singing, “When will I get
there? When will I get there?” And then they’ll stop suddenly and exclaim, “My
journey is over!” Cue giggles.
To their new run-around game, Daddy started
throwing out synonyms for “journey”. Now
they’ll mix things up and say, “My expedition is over,” or, “My quest is over.” Hee hee!
On Tuesday morning I guess I wasn’t moving fast
enough for my girlies. B politely said
to me, “Mommy, don’t forget we have school today!”
And then A added to the list of school quotes
the following day: “Mommy, when I’m at school and you’re home and don’t have
anything to do…” Oh, my!
I feel like the girls have been in the “pre-reader”
category for a long time now. They’ve
known all their letters and sounds for close to two years now, but they haven’t
been consistently sounding out words. I
feel like we’re on the brink of something, though, and it’s exciting! The girls have known that C-A-T spells cat
for a long time, and they just learned that H-A-T spells hat. They’ve been so excited to build off that
with all the other possible letter combinations…bat, fat, mat, pat, sat…I hope
this is the start of something B-I-G!!!
The girls have continued their focus on numbers…they
can consistently say numbers in the hundreds, and single-digit thousands. They sometimes need a little prompting, but
they’ve correctly identified numbers all the way up to the single-digit
Thank goodness for Facebook, as I
can always count on having recorded some gems there…
"This is
kinda hard, Mommy, but I can figure it out. I'm a big girl, and I'm smart, and
I love to learn." Baby A, giving herself a little pep talk.
The girls are
playing in the tub, and I hear them singing "Happy Birthday" and
clapping and shouting HOORAY! I am laughing...but cringing a bit to think how
much splashing may be happening.
Mommy Milestone today: I
took my girls to Pier 1 for the first time, and nothing got broken! For the
past 4 1/2 years, that's been a "me time" activity. Our trip today
was not exactly "relaxing", and there was very little browsing, but
we accomplished our errand. Woo hoo!
My B just perked
me up this afternoon, far more than any second cup of coffee
could..."Mommy, you are so sweet! I just love you!"
A just said to B:
"Are you going to school with this behavior?" Hahaha! For the record,
I didn't observe any "behavior", but I couldn't help but to laugh out
"Mommy, I
love maps because they help me learn." The girls lost interest for a
little while, but maps and globes are sources of fascination again at our
I was trying
politely to tell the girls I needed elbow room. "It's challenging for
Mommy to do this when you're so close to me." Baby A came right back with
a little pep talk, "But you can do challenging things! I know you
can!" Hee hee!
"Let me show
you how I'd mow the grass if I were a sheep"...and she proceeded to crawl
on the floor and pretend to eat. I never know what is next.
Someone came to
the door selling magazines. I declined, and Baby A added in her "you're a
silly goose" tone, "We don't need any magazines! We have lots and
lots in the living room!" Hope he at least appreciated the logic.
And combing through my pictures, I
am reminded of all the other SUPER from the past couple of weeks…
Outside JOY! |
This baby loves to skip! |
B loves her pinwheel, even through the sun was too bright to look at it! |
An unprompted hug...caught on film! |
Enjoying the orchestra at the orchard...and Mommy and Daddy's chairs. |
Running into friends! |
Running into more friends and everyone looking at the camera together! |
Team spirit! |
Seriousness during Quiet Time. |
This baby loves these books! |
My A, trying to force B to look at the camera and smile! |
A gorgeous afternoon spent downtown with Miss Jenny! |
We love Miss Jenny! |
Whew! That's what I get for missing a week of SUPER STUFF. On the other hand, it's pretty neat to see what a huge long list I can compile when I just take the opportunity to sit down.