The girls and hubby were out of school last week for spring break. I took off on Thursday and Friday, and we enjoyed a short getaway to St. Louis.
We had a great time taking in the arch, the zoo – including the sea lion show – and plenty of green areas in downtown. We ate some yummy food, and talked to some interesting people. And we even got to meet a longtime bloggy friend in person, which made my heart smile.
At the zoo! |
It was a wonderful, MUCH-needed break. The sights and sounds were fantastic…but some of the best memories come outta the mouths of my sweet babes.
At supper on Friday night, we found ourselves in a family-style diner (I guess you’d call it) right downtown. I was thinking about a burger, but the server really bragged about their pasta. I ordered the girls a pasta dish with mushrooms and spinach, and when it came, I thought it looked delicious. Apparently, B wasn’t quite as convinced. She took her first bite, though, and immediately declared, “This tastes a lot better than it looks.” HAHAHAHA!!! It was a compliment in her book, but I'm not sure the chef would have thought so.
Daddy and the girls at dinner. |
The next morning, we found an excellent place for breakfast (Rooster). They serve a great menu of unique dishes using locally sourced ingredients…just our kind of place. I ordered the girls a big breakfast platter to share. B, who was sitting next to me, really liked the potatoes. She addressed her daddy, who was sitting across the table from her, next to A, “Daddy, you really have to try some of Sissy’s potatoes!” HA! I thought it was too funny that she volunteered her sister to share!
Daddy and B traversing a downtown fountain. |
On Saturday afternoon, I really wanted a coffee from the Starbucks in our hotel. Baby A waited in the lobby with her daddy, and B went inside with me. While we waited on my coffee, I encouraged B to stand by the window. “Wave to the people on the sidewalk,” I told her. She did, and so enthusiastically! It was so much fun to see people walking by, getting a kick out of her big smile and voracious waves.
Baby A was fascinated with the arch, and the zoo, and the view of the Mississippi river from our hotel room. Just as fascinating, though, was the construction going on next to our hotel. On Sunday morning she exclaimed, “Look! Yesterday that was flat, and today there are big huge piles of dirt!” HA!
Baby A, looking out the window at the construction. |
Baby A, true to herself, found any opportunity to RUN. Just like in Central Park in NYC, I loved seeing this kiddo take off in the open field beneath the arch. It’s amazing to watch her, no matter where we are…but doubly incredible to see her doing her thing in such a picturesque setting!!!
Playing tag on a random patch of grass. |
The girls shared a full-size bed in the hotel…for the first time, sleeping in the “normal” direction, as opposed to perpendicular to the rest of us. Baby A slept closest to me, and I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw her hop out of the bed one morning. She is such a big girl!!! It seems like just last year I was having to give the girls a boost into a bed like that!!!
And we had quite a few “twin” moments. It probably happened at least 10 times, when people came over, out of their way, to ask if the girls were twins. I know this is an annoyance to many twin mamas…but I’m savoring these inquiries. I know they won’t last forever, and I love the opportunity to brag about my babies!
So very thankful for the {expected} super stuff of a getaway...and the wonderful {unexpected} surprises.
My heart is full!!! |