Despite a little case of the sniffles, this has been one
fabulous week!
1) On New Year’s Eve, the weather was nice enough for us to go for a long walk. When we got home, I parked the girls’ stroller in the driveway, and they enjoyed watching Mommy and Daddy play a few minutes of pretty competitive
Frisbee. With a little coaching, they clapped and cheered at the more spectacular catches. And they naturally laughed when Mommy dropped the pass (
not sure how I feel about that one!).
2) I made a big batch of
juvec this week…as close as I’
ve ever been able to come to my hubby’s mom’s recipe…what I describe as “
Hungarian jambalaya”. I decided to try it on the girls, and they loved it! And their daddy’s heart melted just a little more when he heard, “
More juvec, please!”
3) I’m quite proud of myself for working towards one of my 2011 goals with unabashed fervor. The girls have eaten at least one dish a day
from bowls…with spoons! Baby A is doing amazingly well, and Baby B is trying really hard.
And Mommy is taking deep, deep breaths.
4) The girls are reaching
new levels of conversation every day. Just one example…upon seeing me pull a cup out of the cabinet, Baby B said, “
Kitty cat on Mommy[‘s] coffee mug!” WOW!!!
5) We had a fantastic day on Wednesday, honoring our girls and celebrating their
second birthday. It was relaxed and fun…filled with lots of playing and reading and several of our favorite foods.
Starting this week, I’ll be linking up with the great Dolli-Mama at
Life Not Finished for what I think is a fantastic new meme, “
52 Weeks of Me!”
I generally keep this blog focused on the girls…as my life is of course very focused on them…as I think it should be. But with that focus, it can be easy for a mom to forget about herself.
That saying, “
If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy”? Yeah, I’m not quite sure where that came from...
Dolli-Mama has challenged herself to do one thing each week just for her, and I’m excited to join her. Some weeks that one thing might be big – like a pedicure or a date night with hubby.
But what I think is particularly great about this challenge is forcing ourselves to look around when we don’t have a “
big event” to cite…to appreciate the bubble bath I had after the girls were in bed, or the real cream I treated myself to in a cup of coffee.
Sometimes it may just be a matter of perspective, but we have to make sure to take care of ourselves. I truly believe it makes us better mommies…and that’s what it’s all about.
So how did I indulge myself this week???On Sunday afternoon, when all the troops –
A, B, Daddy, and the kitty cat – were napping, I went to
Panera. I got myself a big ceramic coffee mug and filled it with
hazelnut coffee and a splash of
real cream. That went perfectly with the
toffee crunch cookie I ate! I scored my favorite
table right by the fireplace. I sat back, relaxed, and worked on some (belated) holiday cards… Yum!!!
Check out the Dolli-Mama and see what she and others did this week to treat themselves...and maybe it will inspire you to do the same!